1Z0-053: Oracle Database 11g: Administration II is the second of two exams in the track for certification as an Oracle 11G Database Administrator Certified Professional. This test is intended for candidates with the 11G Associate DBA certification who wish to upgrade their credentials. The 1Z0-052 exam for the Associate level is intended to determine whether a candidate is prepared for a junior DBA role under the supervision of a more senior DBA. The 1Z0-053 exam is designed to indicate that a candidate is ready to assume primary responsibility for an Oracle database.
In addition to holding the OCA-level certification and passing 1Z0-053, candidates must also attend an instructor-led training session from either Oracle or from a vendor approved by Oracle in order to be granted the Oracle Certified Professional designation. The training required for this exam is often quite expensive. However, the number of companies using Oracle for enterprise-class databases means that skilled Oracle database administrators are always in demand. Studying for this exam and taking the training can both assist in getting the skills and knowledge you need for such a position.
The Oracle Education website should always be where you begin the process of pursuing any Oracle certification. For each exam, there is a list available that contains every topic that will be covered. You need to use this list to guide your studying. There are thousands of things a good DBA needs to know, the ones on that list are what you need to concentrate on in order to pass the exam. You will never see a question on an exam about something that is not present there. The Administration II exam will have eighty multiple-choice or multiple-answer questions and you will have 105 minutes to complete it. The passing score is sixty-six percent. There is no partial credit for the multiple-answer questions – they are either right or wrong. If you leave any questions blank, they count as a missed question. Answer every question, even if that means taking a wild guess, because otherwise the question is certain to be marked as incorrect.
The 1Z0-053 exam is heavily weighted towards questions on backup and recovery. Most, but not all of the backup and recovery topics involve the Oracle RMAN utility. You need to be very knowledgeable on this subject to have a reasonable chance of passing. Automatic Storage Management also receives significant coverage on the exam. That said, all of the information covered by this exam is important for an Oracle database administrator. You should study this material not so much with the intent of ‘passing a test’, but with the understanding that you will need it in the future in order to do your job. Passing a test is nice. Not getting fired because you just lost all of the data in your employer’s database is much nicer.
The Oracle manuals are an excellent reference when you are studying for this test. The Oracle documentation is very good and you can download every single one free of charge. In particular, as a prospective DBA, if you have not read the Oracle Database Concepts manual yet, I highly recommend that you do so from cover to cover. This is a very readable book and contains an enormous amount of information that you really need to understand as an Oracle database administrator. The following titles from the Oracle documentation website provide the majority of the information you will need:
- Administrator’s Guide
- Automatic Storage Management Administrator’s Guide
- Backup and Recovery Reference
- Backup and Recovery User’s Guide
- PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference
- Reference
1Z0-053 is an OCP-level test. Certification tests at the Oracle Certified Professional level are designed to cover a moderate range of topics to a more significant depth than an equivalent OCA-level exam. This exam concentrates on fewer areas than was covered by 1Z0-052, but requires a deeper understanding of the ones it does cover. You will need to be comfortable with all of the topics listed (and especially with backup and recovery) before you schedule your exam. Good luck on the test.
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