Generally speaking, Braindumps refers to lists of questions and answers from an actual IT certification exam. This dangerous, illegal and unethical trend is like a plague to IT profession as well as industry.
Using unfair means in examinations is one of the chronic problems all over the world that has been greatly facilitated by the resources rich Internet in this information age. People who are looking for shortcuts use braindumps (or they are innocently sucked in by braindump sharks) for immediate success and may be a job but in vain.
Let us go into a little details. As per Wikipedia, the commonly used phrase braindump refers to many things. “In the IT industry, a ‘braindump’, usually spelled as a compound word braindump, refers to material that has been memorized, or captured electronically by means of a small device such as a PDA or cell phone with a built in camera, from an IT certification and re-created to provide an almost exact replica of the exam, thus violating most but not all non-disclosure agreements agreed to prior to the administration of an exam.” It is in the IT Industry milieu, that we want to see what are braindumps.
Braindumps brazenly provide a set of questions and answers to candidates. By doing this, on the one hand they insult to the capabilities and sense of responsibility of IT certification agencies and on the other hand, they disallow the candidates to acquire the required skill and enable them to settle for a certificate without learning.
A quick search reveals that there are a lot of Braindumps sites and solutions claiming to “help” candidates to get any IT certifications. More are coming up every day.
The term ‘Braindump’ (Braindump IT Certification) was used as far back, during IT boom time, as 1995. Their mushrooming growth and mass circulation on a very large scale has, however, stated only after 1997.
How to stop braindumps? It is not easy task for a person looking to further his level of IT professional skills. The technology that helps human in almost all human activities also help Braindumps providers to come in different guise to lure those who are eagerly looking to get IT certifications. But if one looks at braindumps’ sites deeply, one can notice exception to rules, more promises for 100 % pass guarantee, or use of the term (BRAINDUMP, BRAIN DUMP, Brain-Dump, braindumps) in one form or the other.
What is more, there are some site available on the Web that apparently are anti Braindumps. They say everything to avoid those “Braindumps” only to get the right questions and answers from them instead. Yes.
Clearly, the users and the IT industry both are the losers in this tug of war. Individuals using Braindumps can lose their certifications, may be banned from any further certifications, and they don’t learn. At the same time, IT Industry is being devalued and the result is a dearth of knowledgeable IT professionals who have studied hard to attain the skills and are capable to deliver.
Braindumps in the first place defeats the fundamental objective of the exercise of certification. Spending time and efforts in such unhealthy pursuit is unproductive and wear down industry standards. The practice impairs the braindump users to think logically, construct own arguments, and draw inferences. “Perhaps, they can produce better results if they spend the same time and energies creatively and let their own analytical faculties work.”
Another unintended result of braindumps certification is that the legal IT learning homes and certification providers are losing credibility in the process. When any braindumps certified individual comes out in the practical world and can’t perform as expected, everyone righty questions the certifying institutions, notwithstanding how an individual got that qualification.
The unproductive exercise can go on and on. Unless, perhaps, both certification agencies and candidates arrive at a point where agencies can trust candidates and candidates guard the trust, but the certification agencies have to come with an iron hand to save the brain drain. They can make a part of the certification exam as practical at situ by opening up different examination centres around the world.
My recommendation: stay clear from braindump certifications and choose the clear path to excellence through knowledge and hard work.
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