July 6, 2024


Forever Driven Computer

Registry Cleaners – 11 Tips To Ensure You Find The Best Free Registry Cleaner For Windows

Registry cleaners are useless if you pick the wrong one but first let’s decide why you need one.

Is your PC painfully slow?

Does your PC constantly crash or freeze?

Are you always getting blue screen?

If you answered yes to just one of these questions then there’s a 90 percent chance that you need to repair your Windows registry.

Selecting the best Windows registry repair utility, even a free one, can be extremely daunting. Caution is the most important thing to remember when looking for a hard drive cleaner.

Let me help you find the best free registry cleaner for Windows.

Registry Cleaners – A Selection Guide

Tip 1: Don’t make your job difficult from the start. Don’t search for the utility yourself. You’ll just come up with hundreds of searches and pages to go through. There are lots of review sites that have already done all the hard work for you. They’ve conducted tests, investigated clinical studies and made thorough comparisons. The best review sites will explain why one program is better than another.

Tip 2: Make sure that any registry cleaner that you do install does not load nasty adware straight onto your PC which can be a pain to get rid of.

Tip 3: Make sure that the repair program is very user friendly. If you install a free one and don’t like the control panel or how to get started, uninstall it and find a better one that meets your needs.

Tip 4: Never install anything at all that you find online without making sure that your pc have full anti-virus protection.

Tip 5: As a guide you can use the Microsoft Virtual PC to help you test Windows repair software.

Tip 6: Understand exactly what kind of errors it will detect on your PC. Some programs will detect many more errors than others.

Tip 7: Make sure it is able to do a deep scan of your PC so that no bugs are left undetected.

Tip 8: Ensure that it offers a back up and restore feature.

Tip 9: The best cleaner will have a scheduler that will allow you to let the program run on autopilot on an ongoing basis.

Tip 10: The best fixer will also allow you to do manual repairs as well as automatic repairs.

Tip 11: The best registry software should be easy to customize for your needs.

Is it okay to clean your PC registry on your own?

That depends on how much knowledge you have about computers. If you have some knowledge of what should be in your registry then you can play around with it a little providing you make a full back up before you start.

However, even the most experienced PC users can accidentally delete the wrong file – and then have to start their PC from scratch.

If you have any doubt at all then download the best hard drive cleaner that you can find.