February 16, 2025


Forever Driven Computer

Four Points to Help You Choose the Best Spyware Remover

Four Points to Help You Choose the Best Spyware Remover

Spyware has become a bigger problem than viruses in this day and age, mainly because spyware is much more discreet, can pose as other software, can often be ignored by the user, or people don’t even realise that something is wrong with their computer if it is behaving slowly or strangely.

There are many other reasons why spyware is a much bigger problem, and one of them is awareness. Many people don’t realise that spyware even exists, and the dangers spyware can pose to the average computer user.

While some spyware may be ‘harmless’ (and do nothing but slow your computer down) others can be much more harmful. This is because spyware is created to collect and gather information on the computer it is installed on, and feed this information to the author of the program or whoever the program is instructed to send it to.

This means that spyware is often used to gather information for market research etc. and, if this is done without the users consent, it has most certainly crossed some major ethical boundaries. When it moves from ethics into breaking lawful boundaries, that is when things can get really ugly. Spyware could gather your passwords and logons, or even your credit card details, and feed these to a third party. The potential for spyware to do more than just harm the computer but people’s personal lives is a reality.

For this reason even the most ‘harmless’ spyware should be dealt with. Since most spyware installs itself without the permission of the user, should the user have any patience towards it? The answer is a sound negative.

Here are some tips to help you put prevention measures in place that will greatly assist in spyware not having a chance of installing itself on your computer.

1) Download and install those Windows updates.

Microsoft is just as quick as hackers about security holes in its software (after all, Microsoft hires hackers to work for them and hack their own software). Once a security problem is highlighted Microsoft sends out updates to patch these up. These are the same security holes that spyware would take advantage of. But if you’ve patched it up then you need not worry.

2) Don’t open strange emails from strange people.

This is the same for viruses – if you see a strange email from a strange person, don’t open it up, or run it through a scanner first, at least.

3) Get yourself a spyware remover

Now we are playing hardball. Spyware removers are your best prevention and cure, and it’s recommended you get one even if you do not think you have spyware. Prevention is better than cure, after all, and spyware removers can do both.

Now, in terms of point 3, spyware removers are plenteous on the internet, and you are going to need to know where you can get the best spyware remover.

Well, all you need to do is make sure the spyware remover matches these criteria, and then the rest is a bonus. Keep in mind that the best spyware remover is a tool that does what it promises to do – don’t be fooled by thousands of other functions that actually have nothing to do with spyware removing!

1) Make sure it has automatic updates.

2) Make sure it is a removal tool, not only a scanner.

3) Make sure it targets folders, registry, ActiveX components, cookies and Windows applications.

4) Make sure it has realtime protection.

These four basic criteria will help you in distinguishing the best spyware removers on the market.