Millions of people are desperately trying to speed up their computers! This is due to the rapidly increasing amount of spyware and other malware on the internet! There are many reasons why computers become infected with spyware. Though this is a very annoying and frustrating experience, it is quite common. Do not work yourself up over this, just do a FREE scan and remove spyware from your computer! Here are some tips to help you!
Tip 1:
Do not visit websites that have multiple pop-ups!
Many people visit sketchy websites and do not know how to get away from all of the windows that pop up on their screens! When this happens, most people panic and start pressing buttons and clicking links. This is a very good example of what not to do if you want your computer to be spyware free. If you feel like you are trapped in a suspicious website and can’t leave, do ALT+CTRL+DEL, find you browser on the list, and end the process!
Tip 2:
Perform a FREE Scan to see what infections are imbedded in your computer!
Performing a scan will allow you to see if the program finds any threats on your machine. This is especially helpful if you know the name of the virus on your computer. A free scan of your computer is a worry free way to see if the program is reliable and stands up to their word. This is something everyone should take advantage of if you want to speed up your computer to run fast.
A great way to find out which virus or malware may be on your computer is to go to do a Google search of the symptoms you are having, or names of programs that have installed themselves on your machine.
Tip 3:
After doing the scan, proceed to the removal of the spyware or adware!
I found a site that will help you get started!
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